
Broccoli Killer

some fun logic:

Animals have life forces because they are alive.
Plants are alive therefore they have a life force.

I think therefor I am.
Broccoli doesn't think so broccoli isn't really there?
... I see a flaw already

With that I would like to present the last days of Mr. Broccoli.
Earlier........ Broccoli:Please don’t cut me down, I like it here with my family"
Later........... Broccoli:Holy crap it’s cold in here
Later still... Broccoli:Holy crap it’s getting hot
And finally . Broccoli:No not my head, Please don’t do th……..
I know what you’re thinking, ‘that can’t happen, broccoli has no lips’.
Broccoli doesn’t care if it lives or dies, and neither does anyone else, in fact we prefer it dead, on our plate, like Chicken Little, Bessie the Cow and Wilbur the Pig. Oh right, not those, they were special like Bambi, but other nameless animals not clever enough to go into show business.

Hell, even the Jolly Green Giant turned on his own kind, even took sprout with him down the path of betrayal. It’s a dog eat dog world out there kids, even if you’re a vegetable.

But really what can broccoli accomplish in it’s life?
Besides of course something as trivial as photosynthesize.
But other then converting raw sunlight into life giving energy, what can broccoli do?
I mean really, can it program an Ipod?
Not even on it’s best day, lets kill it!

What’s my point this time?
Not sure I even had one, just something to think about on a dreary Wednesday