I’m tired.
Need sleep.
But there is no sleep for me today, I have to work and it’s 3 days before Christmas, for those of you who find it un-pc to refer to the date like that, it’s December 22
Yea I celebrate Christmas and I think Jesus was a groovy dude, not that I think anyone else should. I honestly don’t give a skunk’s pituitary gland what others chose to believe just so long as they don’t believe in killing, stealing, raping, pillaging, beating up iguanas or doing what is considered somewhat “negative acts” against others.
That’s what it is supposed to be about, acceptance. Not the removal of, but the acceptance.
I’m not big on the PC crusaders, never have been, in fact I believe they are ruining it for everyone, including themselves. The sterilization of cultures is not a good thing; too many amazing things are getting lost from all cultures. Don’t believe me? See how long it takes to find a descent bagel and not round bread being passed off as a bagel … Meatsticks!
I find it interesting that any specific group of people would have a problem with Merry Christmas, it’s not like it implies “and all of you who do not believe in Jesus can go stick your head in a bucket of monkey puss”.
I honestly don’t get it. Sure we can separate church and state, and take religion out of most things “common” but wishing someone a ‘Merry Christmas’ is not all that different then ‘Happy Birthday’, or ‘Happy New Year’ or ‘Happy Second Day After You Passed Your Kidney Stone Day’ for that matter. It’s just a well wishing for a day or time of year.
I understand wanting equal billing, that’s cool, I’m even a fan of making more holidays. Who doesn’t want more days off from work? Let’s celebrate more days of love and peace; I honestly think we (that is people everywhere; Meatsticks & Non-Meatsticks alike) need more of that. Honestly, society is sort of going to hell in a hand-basket (yea I have no idea what that means either but stick with me here). But why do away with things? Why not just add more to the mix? There is always something to be learned from cultures & religions not of our own.
Oh right, I forgot better to be closed-minded and be afraid to venture out beyond our comfort zone.
Would you like sugar with that sarcasm? (In case you missed it)
Where was I?
Oh yea, a few days left before Christmas and I still have lots to do and I’m tired.
Tired of shopping.
Tired of running around in the cold weather.
Tired of not knowing if someone is going to like the gift I bought.
Tired of dealing with people fighting over parking spaces and driving slow in the left hand lane.
Okay here is where you are expecting the speech about the true meaning of Christmas.
But I’m not going to do it.
I won’t.
No rant about the birth of Christ and the celebration of a child who was to bring Peace on Earth & Goodwill towards men.
‘No’, you say?
‘Why not’, you say?
‘Isn’t that what comes after the bitching and moaning about Christmas Shopping?’, you say.
‘Well yes’, I say, ’normally, but not today’.
You all know that diatribe and you all know as well as I do that there isn’t any more peace, on the this rock we call Earth, then there was over 2000 years ago. But his words and lessons are good, unfortunately some Meatsticks got their mitts into the religion thing and bastardized what was supposed to be a groovy love fest for all men and women, and no not in the hippy Woodstock orgy way, you sick bastard!
I’m talking about doing onto others as you would have them do on to you … and eggnog of course.
I’m pretty sure Jesus would agree with the spiked eggnog. I mean come on, nothing wrong with a little holiday cheer. So we will do onto others and drink heavily spiked eggnog. Sounds like a plan.
That’s the spirit of Christmas, you need the spirit part.
No you don’t have to drink eggnog you can drink whatever you want, you don’t even have to drink, but with all this PC culture erasing (hmmm, wasn’t there a fellow who tried to do away with some cultures a few years back?) going on in the world, it doesn’t hurt to numb a bit of the ol’ Gray Matter.
This all sounds well and good but it doesn’t get the gifts bought and wrapped, and as much as I hate doing it, and I really hate doing it, I have to admit there is a really cool feeling that comes over me when I find a gift that has the extra bit of specialness about it. (Yes, I invented that word right now, deal with it) It doesn’t always happen, and sometimes it backfires, we’ve all given gifts that we thought the recipient would love only to see a look on their face that could best be summed up as “UGG”. But when the planets align and the gifts are perfect and you see a look of “WOW” on their face, it sort of al comes together.
You see, it’s not about the gift but the feeling that comes with the gift, and not the feeling of getting a really cool gift but knowing you put a big warm smile on someone you care about receiving the cool gift. Maybe it’s a greedy thing, sort of in reverse, but it feels good none the less. A warm feeling, much like the spiked eggnog, only with a hug.
Problem occurs when you can’t find that special gift for everyone on your list, then the pressure is on. I know I know, I mean how many shirts and socks can I get my dad? (note to self: he asked for black this year with some sort of blend)
Oh yea.
I wondered where I was going with this very long look at my life in the next few days, Jesus, Christmas, eggnog, gift giving, PC people trying to wipe it out and skunk’s pituitary glands. I don’t know.
I’m too tired to tie it all together.
I really am.
I’m tired.
I need a nap, and when I wake up I’d like to see people coming together and actually practicing peace love and understanding (although they don’t actually have to listen to Elvis Costello) instead of the warped crazy ass shit they are doing now, where there is this idea of us and them and intolerance.
I know I’m dreaming big, but when I see Santa this year (and I will) I’m going to ask for a little piece and then a nap.