What did he say?
11 things about driving that should piss everyone off from a guy who can't count to 10
1. Left lane is for PASSING. It’s actually called a passing lane.
In case there is any question on what this means; if you are NOT PASSING get the fuck out of that lane. Oh and don’t get pissed off at me when I want to get by, I’m actually the one using the lane for it’s intended purpose. Thank you.
2. For those who think you only have 2 options, breaking and accelerating.
There is a THIRD option, it’s called coasting, which means keep your foot off both pedals. It saves on gas, it saves on breaks, and it keeps the flow of traffic moving at a more natural pace. Oh, and in case you haven’t figured it out it's SAFER for everyone on the road. So learn to coast. Thank you.
3. We all know what a broken car looks like, really we do.
Why on God’s green Earth would you slam on your break, almost cause an accident , definitely cause traffic and give people behind you a heart attack just to see something you have seen hundreds of times before. If you really want to see an accident go watch old episodes of CHiPs, great pile ups. You can even rewind and watch them again. Oh and as a side note, texting someone or taking a picture of the accident while driving by the accident is a great way to cause another fucking accident. Stop being a nozzle! No one wants to be sitting in traffic for hours because you are an idiot. Stop being one. Thank you.
4. Driving 20 miles under the speed limit because you are texting and thinking that’s the safe way to do it.
I don’t know why I’m even pointing this one out. If you are guilty of this, you certainly aren’t going to heed this warning. You think you know everything, you’re stubborn, you should be smacked in the back of the head. It's NOT SAFER! The safer thing to do is wait till you are not driving. People driving 70 mph down the highway aren’t expecting to come up on someone doing 40 drifting into the other lane. This is how you end up pissing into a plastic bag for the rest of your life. Stop it! Thank you.
5. Turning off your blinkers.
This kind of seems obvious. If you’re not turning or switching lanes, might be a good idea to turn off your blinkers. I realize we live in a highly automated world and that the blinkers usually turn themselves off. However paying attention isn’t a bad thing either. You never know paying attention might actually make your life better. But mostly it makes living in society better for everyone involved, so pay attention. Thank you.
6. Snow removal.
Here’s another LAW that most of you break. When it snows, remove the snow from your roof, period. No exceptions. If you are 5 feet tall and you drive an SUV, buy yourself a fricking ladder or tell your lazy ass husband to do it for you, unless you are a 5 foot tall man, in which case buy a fricking ladder you cheap lazy son of a bitch! And if that still doesn’t work, buy a car you can actually maintain. With ownership comes responsibility. If the snow comes off the back, the person behind you could get into an accident because you are a lazy self absorbed asshat with no concern for your fellow man. If you slam on your breaks because some wacker in front of you hits their break because they got scared of a little ice, the snow on your roof will come down and cover your windshield. You won’t be able to see . . . you can see where this is going, oh no wait you can't because you can’t see where you are going. It’s all bad. All you have accomplished is putting a bunch of drivers in real danger all because it’s cold outside and you didn’t want to take the extra 5 minutes to remove snow that wind or inertia will do for you. For the love of Pete (whoever the hell Pete is) remove the snow or stay at home till the thaw. Thank you.
6b. Rain drops keep falling on my head, but that doesn’t mean I want to end up fucking dead.
Kind of lyrical, no? If it starts raining while you drive, slamming on your breaks isn’t going to help your cause. It’s just rain, I assure you your car is equipped with the necessary features to get you through. Cars come with all weather tires, rain is weather, they’ll do just fine. Your car also comes with these great thin little rubbery things, they are called windshield wipers, they remove rain from your windshield so you can see.These ground breaking devices also come with multiple speed options in case the rain comes down really fast. Hint, the faster the rain, the faster you set the windshield wiper speed. Jumping on your breaks for no reason will result in the very thing you are trying to avoid, walking with a limp. Best way to cause an accident, do something sudden and for no apparent reason. Don’t be a buttwipe. Don’t panic just drive normally, and if you must slow down do it gradually. Thank you.
7. People passing you on the road has absolutely NOTHING to do with you.
News flash it’s not all about you. If someone wants to pass you, let them go, they have a reason and it’s none of your fucking business. It’s not a personal assault against you. Maybe just maybe, it’s a really valid reason. But no, YOU DO NOT GET TO DECIDE if you deem it valid. Just imagine it’s you driving your loved one to the hospital and they are dying, would you want some self righteous son of a bitch blocking you because they don’t think you should be speeding? Just let them go. Oh and after they pass and disappear down the road, they are gone from your life FOREVER. You will never see them again, ever! Is this worth getting your panties in a twist over? If so, seek help, you need it. So Rule Number 7 which applies to many aspects of life; Let them go. Thank you.
8. Idiots with testicles hanging from their trucks.
Ummmmmm, this is just bizarre. Maybe I don’t get it, but I assume the morons who have them are the ones that don’t get it. If you are trying to tell the world that your truck has real balls, hanging prosthetic ones is kind of proving that it doesn’t, right? Much like with everything else in the world, walk the walk, don’t talk the talk. Balls, nuts, sacks, bags, junk, package whatever you call it, doesn’t belong hanging from your truck, keep it in your pants. Thank you.
9. Right on Red.
Seems simple enough. The directions are built right into the name. I have no idea why some people don’t make this part of their driving repertoire. I chalk it up to either incompetence or being a self centered douche. I do however give a pass to the elderly on this one. But you’d better have gray hair and a bottle of Geritol in your cabinet or you get no pass. So please, pay attention, keep the flow of traffic moving, go right when the light is red (where legal). Thank you.
10. Work trucks with a payload that contains rocks, dirt or any lose debris and don’t secure their load.
There should be a corner in Hell for you guys, one where all you do all day is get hit in the face with pebbles at 52 miles per hour. Windshields are not cheap and no one likes replacing them, it’s a pain in the ass. I realize you don’t give a bucket of monkey puss what happens to your fellow man. I realize you are all also self centered dick rotting sons of bitches who think it’s not your problem. You suck. Really, you suck. I mean it. You Suck. I would ask kindly that you do your job but I have better odds hoping that dog shit is worth it’s weight in gold. So no thank you for you guys. You all just SUCK!
Paste Eaters, We come in Peace
Carsickness, it's not just for people
LinkedIn To Homohobilis
We can’t help it, we are visual people, and we make a lot of judgments based on what we see, blame evolution or lack thereof. It came in handy when Homo habilis was choosing between bachelorette # 2 and bachelorette # 3, instinctively knowing, birthing hips – grunt good, spends too much time at Caves Fifth Avenue – grunt bad. Habi needed strong healthy offspring not overpriced shoes with red bottoms, which quite frankly could be accomplished by walking on a dead saber tooth tiger, so take that Louboutin. Grunt Grunt.
The reality is, we see, we judge, we decide. Pretty girl me like grunt grunt. But a lot goes into ‘me like’. We instinctively look for visual clues to decide if that person fits our needs and wants. Piercings, tattoos, hair length, eyes, clothes, they all give us visual clues that we use immediately after seeing someone to size them up. Should I take her back to my cave or grab my club and beat him to death?
Politically incorrect or not, it’s part of being human, so unless you have a time machine to go back and change Habi’s psyche your stuck with it. But pretending it doesn’t exist is not the solution, don’t be a hypocrite, embrace it and then learn to work with it.
I started off with LinkedIn & eHarmony didn’t I? I should get back to that. Well I’m sure you’ve figured out by now, that picking someone for any purpose whether it’s for mating, cobbling shoes or time travel we try to make the right choice based on credentials but we almost always throw in a likeability factor, after all, we do have to deal with them on a personal level. How’s that for justification? Justice may claim to be blind but then why does beauty always win and ugly dies? It’s true, kill 1 squirrel who is destroying your house and you could get fined, kill 10,000 termites and no one cares. It pays to be cute in this world, don’t ever forget it.
Studies have been done; good looking people are more successful. (Note to self, call plastic surgeon) So should it be a surprise that employers use LinkedIn to not only check out people’s credentials but check out the person too? Hey hiring someone isn’t all that different then a relationship, in fact I can argue it’s more like marriage, only you’ll probably spend more time with your co-worker then your spouse, God Bless the Almighty Dollar! Our priorities really are screwed up.
The employer goes on line searches employee, first thing they look for is, did they post a picture. Now let’s see, lonely guy goes on line, searches single women in area, first thing he looks for is, did they post a picture. Hmmmm. What do they look like, where was the picture taken, why are they taking a picture of themselves in the mirror? Can I see through … nope just a shadow. Notice we still don’t know if they like to take long walks on the beach or if they are detail oriented.
Of course we will get to that, that’s the important stuff right? Maybe, or maybe it’s just the prerequisite. Ever go on an interview at a restaurant? Ever go on a first date to a restaurant? There are a lot of cross over questions. Tell me about yourself? Where are you from? So where do you work, what do you do there? Have you always been in this area? Is that saber tooth tiger blood I smell? The similarities are endless.
We try to evolve and we try not to be shallow and judgmental, we try to be open to everything and everyone, we try not to club strangers with extra appendages. But no matter how much we say it doesn’t matter we still want Jim Lange to show us what the bachelorettes look like before we decide, just like Habi.