At some point everyone gets into a discussion about alien
life, alien to Earth, not your country, that’s a horse of a different color. I know some people don’t believe, but that’s
because they haven’t done the math. I’m
not saying E.T. has ever come to our little corner of the universe, let alone
Earth, I’m just saying statistically speaking there has to be some sort of life
all over the place. It just adds up.
But usually the conversation is about ‘intelligent’ life,
(insert obvious dumb human joke here).
People who believe in such things, and of course, movie makers always assume
not only is there intelligent life but that we are well below the bell curve
when it comes to brain pans. Have you
ever noticed, as far as the universe is concerned, we are the slow kids in the back
of the class eating paste. Paste Eaters!
The lot of us! We are never portrayed as
equal or heaven forbid, the superior race.
Hell, even in one of the StarTrek movies, whales got higher billing then
humans. I like whales and all, but come
on, kill the humans if there be no whales captain. It’s insulting.
Here’s a thought, what if . . . what if, WE ARE THE MOST INTELLIGENT
creatures in the universe? Scary
huh? The most intelligent beings ever
and our best solution to nasal discharge, rectal cleansing, disposing of life
bearing fluids, spilled milk picker upper, chewing gum receptacle, windshield cleaner
and new shoe filler is wadded up paper. Wadded
paper, so many uses, so little respect.
But we could be top of the class, A#1, intellictus
superious ; maybe just maybe, there is life out there waiting for us to come to
Hey Earth people! Come over and visit us, you guys have
rockets, all we have is square wheels, and damn it they just make life so much
What kind of idiots continue to use square wheels? WE
But you know it wouldn’t work, we’d screw it up and before
you can say “Bob’s your uncle” we’d be enslaved to an alien race, forced to
make wadded up paper for their every desire.
Hey, what did you expect from a race of people who let their children
eat paste?
This is why we are never portrayed as the superior race and
always as the pestilence who need to be eradicated from existence. We eat