
Summer Rain

ometimes I believe summer was meant for walking.
Something about the air, doesn’t even matter if you get a sun shower, in fact standing in the summer rain has a rejuvenating feeling, it’s like nothing else in the world. I welcome it.

Ever notice when you give in to the summer rain you feel as if nothing else matters, at least for that moment.

There are few other times that feeling is present. It’s sort of the theory of Democracy in practice, the great equalizer. Think about it, at that very moment, when nothing else matters, you could be standing in the rain with a billionaire and you are both equal. You are both experiencing exactly the same feeling at the same time, no money or lack there of can change the effect.

It costs absolutely nothing to stand outside in the rain, everyone can do it, and when the weather is warm, it’s really a pleasant thing, unless of course you are on your way to a meeting and you need to look a bit more presentable then a drowned rat.
But even then I don’t mind, it’s not like people don’t know it’s raining, and if they can’t appreciate the wonderfulness of that, then it’s sad for them. It’s just one of the very few free experiences of life that trumps the things that money can buy.

When it rains most people grab an umbrella, and run inside as fast as possible, that’s ok for some…

I’ll be out in the rain, finding peace.


The Re-Capper

tend to drink a lot of water, bottled water. I know it’s a scam, over a dollar for water. It’s always more expensive then soda. You’d think that soda wasn’t made of water. It’s the biggest snake oil pitch the world has ever scene. Think about it. You take water and you add sugar and chemicals in it and you charge one price, take away the sugar and chemicals, and charge more, as if this stuff didn’t actually literally fall out of the sky. I’m amazed.

Like I said, I drink it. I figure if we are 65% water, the best thing to do is replenish the system.
But this wasn’t my point, I always drink it out of a bottle, and I always recap.

You know what I mean about recapping. Maybe you’re a re-capper.
After drinking I always recap the bottle, between every lift to my mouth I recap, and I’m not the only one, there are lots’ of re-cappers out there, I’ve seen you. It’s a habit, I don’t really think anything is going to fall into my bottle, and I’m not a clumsy guy who tends to knock over bottles of water on a regular basis, but still I recap.

I bring this up because I was just fiddling with the cap, sort of unscrewing it, and re-screwing it. Not for any reason, it’s not an impulse or sign of ADD or ADHD or OCD or any other combination of letters used to prescribe medication, just thinking and screwing.


Clubs and Hearts

ell it is sad
And they are cute
And it does suck
But still a part of me (a very big part) says hey what if they weren’t cute?

I feel crappy about them dying yet I won’t think anything after eating a chicken, a cow or a pig, let alone putting on my leather jacket, belt or shoes.
I didn’t care when I killed about a half of a dozen mice a few years back. I won’t even mention the unbelievable amount of mosquitoes I’ve squashed with my bare hands, only to have theirs and my blood squish in my palm.

I know they aren’t cute.
And nothing says drama like a baby bleeding against a white background.

Just thinking out loud I guess, no point really, I have no answers, I don’t even know if they are endangered. If they are, it’s stupidity, but that’s a different argument isn’t it?

Murder is sad.
Death is sad.
Yet we have to kill to stay alive, even if it’s just a plant we kill.

I have no idea what is right when it comes to hunting.
I have no idea what they are doing with those baby seals, I’m guessing they are using the skins to make some clothing for Paris Hilton, and then using the meat to feed dogs or something like that. I don’t know.

In my attempts to not be a hypocrite I have become somewhat confused.
Sharks eat seals, sharks have a right to live also.
No one seems to mind that as much.

Probably because they eat one at a time, us humans are much more efficient we have clubs.
Beat seal! OOGA OOGA

Sure we could get by without killing seals, we could get by without killing chickens too, if only they weren’t so ugly. Chicks are cute, but chickens well they make good meals, and there really isn’t enough meat on a chick to kill them, what would be the point?

I just bought a leather belt a few weeks back, it’s very nice and it holds my pants up. I like that in a belt, style and function. I could just as easily use a rope made of hemp, but then I would have to kill a plant. I could use a nylon rope but that would last a billion years on Earth and hurt the environment.

The plants don’t feel.
Plants have no mommies
Plants have no nervous system so that doesn’t count, even if they have a life force.
I hear corn husk shoes are coming back into style. Talk about a corn on your foot.

Honestly I wouldn’t want to kill a baby seal, I’d feel guilty.

To be honest I felt a little guilty killing the mice, but they had to go, they didn’t fit into my picture of a clean and germ free environment. I never feel guilty when eating chicken, even though I’ve seen the movies from the slaughter house, probably because I didn’t actually have the blood on my hands.

I don’t even like seeing bloody meat at the store. It just seems gross.
But I’ll eat the steak when it’s cooked, rare even.

I eat fish also, it’s supposed to be good for you, well if you don’t mind your healthy food with a side of mercury. I can’t tell you how many baby wheat grains died for me, bless there little souls.

I bet seals eat fish, they kill too.
I know fish are not cute, seals are.

I have a theory, and I’d bet I’m right.
If we were cannibals, ugly people would be stew.

We like beauty, we want to keep it, ugly things we like to get rid of.
We let beauty get away with murder and we don’t let ugly get away with anything.

Unless ugly is really charming, I mean really charming, and then they can skate by, but they will always be sort of the charity cases of the world.

Strange creatures humans are

Very strange.


Where's my Aerocar?

want a flying car and I want one now.

Sounding a bit spoiled I know, but I do, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable. We have everything else why not a flying car?

I have to drive an ungodly amount of miles every day, which translates into an ungodly amount of miles every year. So instead of racking up all those miles, I’d prefer to fly. Not in a plane, that wouldn’t do me any good. I need a low flying car, something that hovers no higher then 50 feet. Just enough to go over a building if need be, but mostly for cruising about 15 to 25 feet. That should do it.

Oh and I want to be the only one to have this. The rest of you can’t even drive a street car, let alone a flying car. So no flying car for you!

Well ok, a few of you can have them, but the first sign of stupidity … NO CAR FOR YOU!

Oh and I don’t want it to burn fossil fuels, this whole oil thing has really pissed me off. I’m tired of people being a-holes, yes that’s right a-holes. And don’t go blaming the current president, that sort of ignorance really pisses me off. This has been going on for decades, and when are we finally going to say enough is enough. We can always blame the current powers for not doing something proactive to correct the situation, but the problem is an old one. Oh by the way war is not proactive, it’s just short sighted and well… stupid.

But back to the car of the air, the Aerocar, I should like one in charcoal with fabric seats that are water proof. That’s another thing that amazes me, leather seats, they suck! I’ve had more cars with them then without them, and I hate them, and although they hold up better, they sort of suck. Hot in the summer cold in the winter, and don’t start about heated seats, I still don’t like them. I don’t like sticking to my seat and I don’t like swamp ass! But I digress yet again. In my new flying car that runs on something other then fossil fuels that comes in a cool charcoal color I want some new cool fabric seats that will not wear out and stain, oh and a place to put my water bottle. Not a lot to ask.

I wouldn’t mind a place to put my cell phone either, because unlike most of you meatsticks out there, I do believe some of us are able to multitask thus allowing for driving and talking at the same time. Agreed not everyone can do these two things at the same time, but it’s unfair to punish those who can because those who can’t. If you want make it safe, get rid of those pesky signs that make me take my eyes of the road, start with the ones that say 65 mph then when you get around to it get rid of the ones trying to get me to sell my house. My point is simple, plenty of distractions, if you can’t handle them, don’t get behind the wheel. If you don’t like me talking don’t look, I promise I won’t hit you, now shut up about cell phones, I like to talk and drive.

Don’t get me wrong if we could skip right to the molecular transporter, I’m in. I don’t care about everyone in the transportation business, screw them, I wanna get beemed. But I don’t think that will ever be a reality, just doesn’t seem plausible, not to mention I saw what happened to Jeff Goldblum and I didn’t like it. Flying cars are more then possible, transporter beams, not so much, and if I’m wrong about the transporter that’s cool too, I can live with that. Simply put I’ll settle for a flying car, although getting beemed would be really cool.


The Carmuck of Friday

you ever flipped a coin to decide if you wanted to go to work?
Seems a bit irresponsible, but it’s a use it or lose it situation and the end of the year is closing in. Besides it gave me time to get a few things done, like clean up carmuck.

I woke up a few Fridays ago, took a shower and got dressed for work. Thought about it, and saw the coin. Heads I stay home, tails it’s back to the grind. Heads it was.

I put on a pair of shorts and went down to my car to clean it out.

I don’t know how many people have coins lying about their car, but it’s a common occurrence in my life. Coins seem to gravitate towards my car floor, who knows maybe it’s because of gravity, but whatever the reason they were there, and they need picking up.


Yuk you say, no yuk I say, Why do I say yuk? You know why I say Yuk. If you’ve ever picked up coins in my cars, you know why. And I’m betting if you ever picked up coins in your car you know why, but I may be wrong. Hell maybe it’s just me and my cars. Maybe I have the only proper atmosphere for creating the perfect conditions …. But then again maybe it’s just not me.

Carmuck, yup I call it Carmuck to (coin a phrase) that greasy, grimy nasty crap that coats the coins and seems to never go away. It’s most likely a combination of grease from the fittings, dust, dirt, sock lint, dead people, lost food, gorillas, the kitchen sink, and some sort of adhesive that works on a molecular level.

Carmuck has the innate ability to not go away…ever. Once a coin is tainted with Carmuck it’s tainted for life. The other freaky quality it has, is what I like to call the crying game effect. That is to say, much like the fruitless effort of ridding yourself from that smell of climbing out of a chum bucket after fishing you can’t seem to shake the grimy feeling of Carmuck. Sure you can wash yourself, 15 times but you never feel clean, much like in the Crying Game, no shower will ever clean yourself of that feeling. It just has to wear off in it’s own time, (not that the crying game will ever wear off, but Carmuck eventually will).

Am I the only one who has ever suffered from Carmuck? And is there any cure for the common muck?


No Baby (or Common Sense) on Board

ith over 6 billion people walking the Earth it should come as no surprise to anyone that a few of us would have the same name. In fact it should be more of a shock to learn no one shares your name with you and yet the inability to think for ourselves prevails.

After skimming this article, I had to laugh, then cry, then snicker in a sad sort of way to know that common sense is truly dead, for it is now uncommon sense or not-so-common sense, which ever you prefer. How else can you explain the complete breakdown of the American Mind? (Although I doubt Americans have cornered the market on stupidity) In this day and age of people fighting over evolution, stem cell research and gooey black liquids, we have a new height in stupidity.

Yup, that’s right stupidity. It may not be Politically Correct to call my fellow man stupid, but if we don’t start now, we are going lose the War on Idiocy, and trust me we’ve lost plenty of ground already. I think we need to stop what we are doing are take a good look at our actions and the path we are on before we end up featured side show freaks on display for Mockfubar’s Interstellar Traveling Circus.

Turns out, infants have been getting removed from passenger lists on airplanes, not because they have been sick, overly vocal, or even because they are in dire need of a diaper change. Nope, they have been restricted from flights because their names are on the list of possible terrorists. That’s right some airline worker crossed referenced the names of passengers with the list of known terrorists, found a match and refused to let a baby on board. At under a year old I couldn’t master not doing an oopsie in my pants let alone activating an in-flight incendiary explosive but with those Baby Einstein Videos available for kids today, who knows?

I realize no one is willing to take a chance anymore, and I also realize that people up the food chain do not trust people down the food chain to be able to think for themselves but how are we to advance, (or for that matter not decline) if we as a society instill the fear and belief that we are incapable of thinking for ourselves?

In this case, any person with the ability to obtain a job as airport security should have the uncommon sense to realize that more then one person may have the same name and that the possibility of an infant being able to single handedly take down an aircraft through use of force has about the same odds of the Theory of Evolution being banned from the course of study in schools. Oh wait!

Well whatever the case, it isn’t going to happen. I have a nephew who is almost one, and just gauging by the amount of drool that comes out of his mouth, even if he could operate a remote detention device, it would short circuit long before he was able to synchronize it with the rebel forces.

Sometimes I think babies have more common sense then adults