
No Baby (or Common Sense) on Board

ith over 6 billion people walking the Earth it should come as no surprise to anyone that a few of us would have the same name. In fact it should be more of a shock to learn no one shares your name with you and yet the inability to think for ourselves prevails.

After skimming this article, I had to laugh, then cry, then snicker in a sad sort of way to know that common sense is truly dead, for it is now uncommon sense or not-so-common sense, which ever you prefer. How else can you explain the complete breakdown of the American Mind? (Although I doubt Americans have cornered the market on stupidity) In this day and age of people fighting over evolution, stem cell research and gooey black liquids, we have a new height in stupidity.

Yup, that’s right stupidity. It may not be Politically Correct to call my fellow man stupid, but if we don’t start now, we are going lose the War on Idiocy, and trust me we’ve lost plenty of ground already. I think we need to stop what we are doing are take a good look at our actions and the path we are on before we end up featured side show freaks on display for Mockfubar’s Interstellar Traveling Circus.

Turns out, infants have been getting removed from passenger lists on airplanes, not because they have been sick, overly vocal, or even because they are in dire need of a diaper change. Nope, they have been restricted from flights because their names are on the list of possible terrorists. That’s right some airline worker crossed referenced the names of passengers with the list of known terrorists, found a match and refused to let a baby on board. At under a year old I couldn’t master not doing an oopsie in my pants let alone activating an in-flight incendiary explosive but with those Baby Einstein Videos available for kids today, who knows?

I realize no one is willing to take a chance anymore, and I also realize that people up the food chain do not trust people down the food chain to be able to think for themselves but how are we to advance, (or for that matter not decline) if we as a society instill the fear and belief that we are incapable of thinking for ourselves?

In this case, any person with the ability to obtain a job as airport security should have the uncommon sense to realize that more then one person may have the same name and that the possibility of an infant being able to single handedly take down an aircraft through use of force has about the same odds of the Theory of Evolution being banned from the course of study in schools. Oh wait!

Well whatever the case, it isn’t going to happen. I have a nephew who is almost one, and just gauging by the amount of drool that comes out of his mouth, even if he could operate a remote detention device, it would short circuit long before he was able to synchronize it with the rebel forces.

Sometimes I think babies have more common sense then adults