
Capturing Light

never captured light, nor have you.
We can’t, it’s not ours to covet.
We’re not supposed to capture many things that we somehow manage to do. It’s not right, but then the concept of right is ambiguous at best.

People will argue that point, but it’s true, there is no right, it’s a moving concept based on time, location and the interpreter. Sometimes in history you can get a majority to believe in what’s right, but there is not one thing you can get everyone on Earth to believe to be right. Not even something as basic at life. Turn the other cheek, or an eye for an eye, the bible can’t even remain consistent. So what we have is conditional ‘rights’ that suit the need of the person and maybe even a mob (and we all know that mentality).

We create laws: laws that are enforced, laws that are broken everyday, laws that have absolutely no consistency or provide stability to maintain what is the perception of order. And yet we as a society keep a relative balance but then wonder how mayhem ensues. But this is a conversation for another time.

Many things we desire are intangible, these are the fun things we like to qualify and quantify but we can’t. More importantly we shouldn’t. Things like happiness and love. You had to know that was coming, it was inevitable.

You can’t hold love & happiness. There is no scale or measuring device, no matter how many millions of dollars scientists spend trying to do so. Every now and then you get some well funded meatstick making some ridiculous claim that he can not only measure but has defined classifications of love and happiness. They start off with mice and work their way up to humans. They isolate the gene and look for a chemical releases in the hippocampus and cross match that with socio-economic well being of the test subject and then interview everyone who has had contact with said subject, then they divide by the square root of the number of times spent in the waiting room of the doctors office and plot it against 73 other test subjects and a control group. This of course will tell you within a 49.8273% margin of error how happy you are. (Please make note that a coin flip will give you about the same amount of accuracy)

No, there is no meter, no matrix, no swami, not even a crystal ball that can tell you this. But this isn’t the best part, the best part is not only can nothing tell you what you are feeling, but you yourself may not know. Things like love and happiness have a way of sneaking up on you without any notice what so ever.

There are many (and by many I mean millions) of theories, viewpoints, and musings over the subject, some are insightful, some humorous, some an idiots delight that makes you wish you had chosen to bang your head into a cinderblock wall for 38 minutes straight. Whichever the case, believe what you will at your own peril. But my advice is to never let any outside influence color your decision in the slightest way. I should repeat that, never let any outside force influence your decision in even the slightest way. Yup that about sums it up.

You won’t listen to that advice.
And I don’t blame you. It’s your life, you will do what you want, and why would you listen to me, who am I, and who are they. Surely you can ask peoples advice and not be so feeble minded as to not be influenced by it. What harm could asking do? Maybe those people have experiences you could benefit from. Well I’m here to tell you, no one, absolutely no one has more experience being you, then you. Yes, that means you are on your own with this one. Sounds daunting doesn’t it? Well don’t be scared yet, it’s not as bad as it sounds. Turns out you are an expert on you, whether you know it or not.

Oh maybe a quick caveat about that, just because you are an expert on yourself, doesn’t mean you figured out what’s best for you. Of course you may be brilliant at it. Then again maybe you should go seek help, but that’s not the point.

The point is you shouldn’t try to hold light, you’ll burn your hand.
Or was it that you can’t covet love, but you can rent it for 250 a night?
Hmmmm, maybe it was that over educated meatsticks shouldn’t be given so much grant money.

I forget, maybe it wasn’t all that important after all, maybe I never had a point, maybe some things should be left to just be…

Anyone got a light?