
What about the Black Death

about the Black Death, you never really hear about that one anymore, sounds like such a cool disease, as far as names go.

Lets face it, if you have to go, wouldn't you rather be taken down by something called the black death, as opposed to something called the whooping cough.

Vladimir : “How did Jim die?”
Philo :
”Oh he had the whooping cough.”
Vladimir :
”So he coughed and whooped a lot and then what? He died?”
Philo :
”Pretty much”
Vladimir :
” Died whooping did he?”
Philo :
Vladimir :


Vladimir :
”How did Jim die?”
Philo :
”The Black Death got him.”
”Wow, the Black Death you say?”
Philo :
”Yes the Black Death.”
”Well, no one can really beat something called the Black Death, he must have fought brave.”
Philo :
”Yes he did, we should honor him. He fought the Black Death.”
”Brave Soul.”

It’s all about image, how we define things. Everyone knows this, it’s why people root for teams like the Bears and not the Chickens. Well not everyone knows this, somehow it escaped Ben Franklin who preferred Turkeys over Eagles, sad really… one too many volts down that kite string I suppose.
But not everyone can blame such things on a few thousand volts of raw energy.

Image is a funny thing, no one wants to be shallow enough to admit that it makes a difference but if we stop bullshitting ourselves for a few minutes we realize it does. Honestly, no one would have accepted Woody Allen as the Terminator, it just isn’t going to work. Simply stated, wrong image. Everyone knows you have to be a 6foot, 245pound body builder who can bench press a Volkswagen to shoot a gun. That must be why grandfathers leave guns lying about the place when the grandkids stop by, it’s just common knowledge.

You see we expect people to follow a pre-conceived image that we have of them. And the really great part of this is that we will go so far as to project that image upon them and treat them accordingly. It doesn’t really matter if they posses those qualities, we will assume them anyway. We expect preachers to be honorable, we expect doctors to be knowledgeable, we expect lawyers to be underhanded, we just do, as unfair as it is we do, we suck.

You ever notice how some people seem to get away with murder and others don’t? We stereotype, and project, we’re Stereo-Projectors, some of us are Trinitrons others widescreens but we all are. Raised on television, by television, to become television like. It’s human nature, like it or not, to some degree we are all guilty of it. I know, I know, you’re not. It’s just the rest of us.

sometimes I would just like to turn off the television and let the screen go black… death