Had a weird thought.
I recently decided I’d try to write more and although only a small percentage of what I write ever sees the light of day it just dawned on me, like the repetitive use of luminous metaphors that someone actually might read them.
And I don’t mean someone per say, what I mean is, someone who knows me, more accurately someone who knew me. Someone from my past, I was just thinking it might be weird if someone from my past looked up my name and found this blog and started reading. And before you think I’m a total egotist, there is a reason for this thought.
It’s 2007.
And I’ve got mail.
I did, I got mail.
The kind of mail that makes you think, makes you reflect, makes you praise the heavens you’ve still got your hair. Yup, the high school class reunion letter. As the Beatles once said, ”It was 20 years ago today…”
That’s right 20 years and nothing about it feels like 20 years. Age wise I feel like it was a couple of years ago. Time wise it feels more like 145 years ago. But either way I got the letter so it must be 20 years. Okay, feeling old now.
I have to say I’m not a fan of class reunions, I didn’t go to the 10 year, and I’m very much leaning towards not going to this one. Although I am curious as hell about some people, mostly girls, not so much the guys. I have to think that’s normal though, then again maybe not.
There were a lot of cute girls in my class, at one time or another I probably had a thing for at least half of them. Some more then others, some were very short lived, others would come and go, and still some seemed to last forever. I like girls what can I say? I’m a guy. Some were based on looks, others personality I didn’t discriminate. Some I wish I had let known, others I’m probably happy they never knew. That’s the problem with high school, it’s not like a bar where no one will ever know. In high school you ask a girl out, yes or no, everyone finds out… it’s a rough world.
I guess it’s rough now too. I mean lets face it, people go to high school reunions and judge people, measure them up, see how they did in life, how they held up, did they gain weight, lose their hair, marry a super model, end up on the wall in the post office? So many choices and nowhere to hide.
To be honest, I don’t really care what people do for a living, I never understood summing a person up by the way they make money. Just doesn’t make sense to me, but we all do it. All this time on the 3rd stone and we still haven’t found a better way to ask what you’ve been doing for the last 20 years. People suck at ice breaking conversations. Guys fall back on sports, girls compliment each other on their shoes. And I don’t know crap about either.
Ummm, err, hey, how have you been? That’s nice. So what do you do for a living? Any kids? Did you marry a supermodel?
Pathetic isn’t it?
But really what do you say to someone who last time you saw them you were popping zits and drinking way too much Budweiser, yea I know I once said you smell like fumunda cheese but my brain wasn’t done cooking, please don’t hold it against me. Hey is your wife a supermodel?
Yea, brain still isn’t done, sad really.
But isn’t that the point of life, to grow, learn, walk the path, make mistakes, put your foot in your mouth, go to class reunions, stop using terms like fumunda. Honest I really have. Not that you can prove it by this. See growth! It’s a beautiful thing, it might not get me to the reunion but it might give me something to write about.