
I Have a Pudding Question.

Some people hate pudding skins, I love them.
I always thought they were pretty cool. Peel them off the top of the pudding and you have a rubbery flavor thingie that you can also use as an editable Frisbee. What more could any kid ask for? Of course I don’t care too much for the name given to it, skin. Skin should be reserved for … well … skin. Not food, people don’t want to eat skin, unless your plane crashes in the Andes, and even then it’s more of a survival thing then a gourmet preference.

People are funny, when it comes to food, especially in America. We really don’t want to know anything about our food, in fact we prefer to disassociate our food from the original source as much as possible. We’ve become a society of Nancy-pants culinary school girls.

We prefer food that has been sliced, diced, chopped, filleted, processed, dyed, flavored, homogenized and preserved. No fish heads, no pig snouts, no turkey necks. It’s getting to the point where we don’t even want to know it was once on a bone. It’s true, have you seen the boneless spareribs? Think about this one for a second. People want a rib but no bone. Am I the only one who sees the problem here?

Seriously. I think the words have taken on other meanings in out brains. Familiarity with food terms leads to Meatsticks who don’t know what meat is. It’s a complete loss of connection. As if food is made in a machine from partially hydrogenated artificially flavored preserved generic stuff. And that’s just nuts. Isn’t it?

I think calling it meat may have been the start of it all. Meat is nothing, it’s not chicken, it’s not pig, it’s not cow, it’s just meat. Meat should be called by its origins. Sure we can call it beef or pork, which is at least more accurate then just meat, but how about cow meat or pig meat. We don’t do that because people needed to distance the animal from the product. It’s all marketing, even if it’s a meat market.

Meat doesn’t run and you’ve never seen beef walk or pork stroll, it’s just pork; but pigs squeal and cows moo. We don’t want to think about that. You know who does think about it, hunters, people who eat deer and call it that. Sure a few restaurants will serve venison but hunters eat deer meat, they’re not afraid to get their hands dirty. Hunters embrace the food chain and eat meat off the bone.

It’s true. Hunters realize that we are animals, killers. Even if we aren’t the ones doing the killing, we must kill to survive, that’s how we were made. We don’t photosynthesize, so we must kill a living organism in order to live. There is no getting around it. And still if you come out and say I eat deer meat, people look at you like you farted in the fruit punch. How dare you, you murdered Bambi’s mom?

I’d like to take a moment to address the Bambi issue for a moment. The name Bambi is best associated with a male Disney cartoon deer and female strippers, HUH? How did this happen? Between Chip & Dale, and Bambi I just don’t get it. Why are Disney characters in the porn business? Who made this connection and why? It’s almost as unsettling as flower ovaries, but I’m not going down that road again today. Speaking of flower wasn’t that Bambi’s pet skunk? My brain hurts.
OK people, we’re walking, we’re walking.

So we can agree, that we Americans have some weird food issues. Most likely propagated by those slick bastards on the avenue called Madison who make lots-o-cash to convince us that a submarine, hoagie, wedge, grinder sandwich is a healthy lunch made from something called cold cuts. (For those keeping score, subs in my neck of the woods) The truth is, food isn’t pretty, but we sure as hell do are best to make it that way, even if it takes a truckload of dow chemicals to do so.

I understand the conflict. I really do, it’s about food appeal, like sex appeal only Victoria Secrets doesn’t have a catalog for bacon; cheesecake maybe, but not bacon. And if I haven’t gone off topic enough today, WHO on Earth dubbed hot women cheesecake? The analogy makes me want to swallow that nasty stuff that rises to the back of my throat after a shot of tequila. Which by the way is one nasty ass drink. But I digress.

What have we so far… (you may want to take a deep breath before reading this next sentence)

Victoria Secrets models don’t eat bacon cheesecake but maybe pudding skins and don’t fear crashing in the Andes because they are super angels, who although in the sex industry, would never go by the name Bambi but dig The Motor City Madman Ted Nugent because he knows his place in the food chain even if they support PETA which is an insane group with really good Madison Avenue marketing guys who learned a thing or two from Walter Disney who may or may not be a very well preserved frozen Meatstick with a pet skunk named flower who does shots of tequila to forget about the fruit ovary thing.

Oh and my pudding question. Does anyone have any extra pudding skins? I’m really in the mood.
(Well in this highly processed world in which we live in, how else would you have me ask?)